Old aged people have to undergo a lot of difficulties and they need courtesy, compassion and care more than they ever needed in life at this juncture of their life. As a human being you can help old aged people in ways more than one and you can choose the way you find the most appropriate. There are a lot of old age homes in the country and you can search for an old age home near you and volunteer.
Here are some of the many reasons why you must volunteer for an old age home and how you can offer your services:
1. Spend time with the elderly
NGOs in Ahmedabad say that old aged people feel quite lonely. They feel quite nice when they have someone to talk to and hence you can spare some hours of your week to sit with them. This will also help you gain a lot of knowledge. They have seen a lot in life and you can get benefited from their ocean of knowledge and experience.
2. Help them lead a healthy life
This is pretty much an extension of the previous point. Loneliness can often lead to a number of mental illnesses. You can really make a difference by making them feel wanted. Plenty of physical and health related problems can be eliminated simply by giving them your precious time.
3. Donate
You can get in touch with an old age home in satellite and donate the amount you wish to donate. Remember no amount is small and it can make a huge difference in someone’s life. You can also volunteer to collect donation on behalf of the old age home. Every year thousands of youngsters get associated with NGOs and old age homes with the same purpose and make their vital contribution in this pious social act.
4. Donate books or games you have
Many people have a good collection of books they have already read. Most of those books get worn out with time passage. They can rather choose to donate those books to old age homes as it will be quite useful to these organizations.
5. Organize activities
You can also organize several activities such as laughter sessions, yoga sessions and game activities such as musical chair, carom competition, badminton etc.
In a nutshell, no act of kindness can be small as even the smallest of act can make a huge difference in the life of these aged people.
If you wish to know more about the old age homes near you or top 10 NGO in Ahmedabad, feel free to get in touch with us. We will be more than happy to get associated with you in this divine purpose.