
To work for health issues

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"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."

According to World Health Organization (WHO), Health is defined as “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. It is difficult to measure health according to above definition; however it remains as ideal definition.

Over the last few decades, there has been a tremendous improvement in the quality of healthcare services in India. This is illustrated by significant improvement in healthcare indicators such as life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rates, maternal mortality rate, etc. over this period.

Sounds like we are progressing stupendously in the field of health! Isn’t it?


  • India still accounts for 21% of the world’s global burden of disease.
  • India is still home to the greatest burden of maternal, newborn and child deaths in the world.
  • India still remains among the five countries with the lowest public health spending levels in the world.
  • Millions of citizens of India are affected by a sedentary lifestyle leading to an unexpected explosion in the number of people affected by non-communicable diseases.

Moreover, Indian healthcare sector is indeed in a great need of basic infrastructure as well as workforce. The U.S. has one bed for every 350 patients while the ratio for Japan is 1 for 85. In contrast, India has one bed for every 1,050 patients. To match bed availability to the standards of more developed nations, India needs to add 100,000 beds this decade, at an investment of $50 billion. In addition, the shortage of qualified medical professionals is one of the key challenges facing the Indian health care industry. India’s ratio of 0.7 doctors and 1.5 nurses per 1,000 people is dramatically lower than the WHO average of 2.5 doctors and nurses per 1,000 people. Furthermore, there is an acute shortage of paramedical and administrative professionals. The industry needs an additional 1.54 million doctors and 2.4 million nurses to match the global average. India’s health care professional and infrastructure shortage is one of the major reasons for the country’s high mortality rate.

Understanding the factors and mechanisms for health improvement in the world has taken decades of intellectual effort. Edwin Chadwick and the public health activists of the 1800s in the United Kingdom emphasized measures such as cleaning, drainage and ventilation, even if their intention was to make people less dependent on welfare. The seminal work of John Snow revealed the consequences of an unsafe water supply in mid-nineteenth century London. Similar phenomena were observed in the United States of America. In recent decades many countries have had a similar experience of improvements in health indicators and a reduction in premature deaths as a result of better water management, increased use of toilets, higher standards of hygiene and a mix of indirect social interventions (e.g. in education, nutrition and housing).

Furthermore, according to data updated in 2010, some 12.4% of primary health centres and 27.8% of sub-centres function without a regular water supply; 14.2% and 28.5%, respectively, without electricity; 7.5% and 8.1%, without an all-weather, motorable approach road; and 54.3% and 47% of primary 53 health centres have no telephone or computer respectively. Based on the above, it is clear that access to good-quality health care is uneven.

Don’t you think each of us can definitely contribute to our country in making a dramatic leap towards making India a dream destiny just by investing our efforts unanimously?

All in all, synergies have to be achieved between health promotion, disease prevention, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and supportive interventions to strengthen the Indian health system.

We want to create a real healthy society by various means leading to making it an advantaged society.

We work for health issues mentioned below

  • Taking care of Thalassemia affected people
  • Taking care of HIV affected people
  • Operating people having Cataract
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