School Program - 15/08/2015
Manav Kartavya celebrated 69th Independence Day with the students of Shri Manekba Vinay Vihar, Adalaj, where students of various PTC colleges, nursery school and primary schools participated. We also got the opportunity to have the presence of the respected Sarpanch and vice sarpanch of adalaj. They were accompanied with the principals of other participating schools as well.
The program was started with flag hoisting followed by singing the national anthem and saluting our national flag. Then started the cultural program, which was well prepared by students of various schools. After its completion the winners were felicitated with the trophies while all other participants were given participatory awards.
The program was a real eye opener which displayed the love of today’s generation for their country. They are the upcoming successful identities of the coming tomorrow and it felt really good to know that they all are really proud to be Indians! Jai Hind